Sustainability Commitments & Policies


Here at The Crafty Hen, we’re proud to be a certified green business. These ethics are something that is at the heart of everything we do day to day, and what shapes our future plans too. Below we’ve outlined just a few policies we strive to follow to ensure we deliver a greener craftier future.


Wildflower Meadows

Each month, for every in person workshop delivered The Crafty Hen funds an area of wildflower meadow and wetland for restoration. Helping to counter our carbon footprint and positively contribute to the environment by encouraging the biodiversity of healthy habitats, wildlife and pollinators UK wide.
Between January 2024 and January 2025, we’ve helped to restore 370m² of British habitat.


circular Economy

Recycling, reusing and reposing craft materials is intrinsic to what we do. We strive to reduce waste to a minimum, and recycle or donate what is left over.

Hen Power

Crafty Hen HQ is powered by sunshine, with solar panels on the roof to keep us running day to day. And some may say our team are full of sunshine inside too!


Recycled packaging

Our craft kits and deliveries are packaged using recyclable cardboard boxes, plastic free tape, honeycomb packing paper and bubble wrap made from recycled materials.


From reducing waste during production by liaising directly with manufacturers, to considering the carbon performances when working with couriers.



Many of our core HQ team utilises non-car modes to get to work, and we encourage our wider workshop team to use public transport as much as possible too.

Vegan Friendly

Many of our materials are purposely sourced to be vegan friendly; from Preciosa pearls, to yarns to our ceramic paints.


Locally Sourced

Where possible, we source supplies from local companies. In particular our dried flowers, sprigs and foliage are all British grown and responsibly produced.

Empowering Diversity

Whilst we champion being a female led business, we’re strong believers in being an inclusive, supportive and empowering environment for all.

  • Mission statement

    The Crafty Hen recognises that the environment is important to our business and our customers. We recognise our responsibility to manage our environmental impacts carefully. We are committed to reducing our environmental impact and continually improving our environmental performance as an integral part of our business strategy and operating methods, with regular review points. We will encourage customers, suppliers and other stakeholders to do the same.

    Policy aims

    We endeavour to:
    - Incorporate environmental considerations into our business decisions.
    - Continually improve and monitor our own environmental performance.
    - Promote environmental awareness among our customers and suppliers.
    - Increase employee awareness of this policy and help all of our staff and associates to meet its requirements.

    Policy priorities

    1. Purchasing of materials & services
    With regards to making decisions about the purchasing of materials, such as craft materials, packaging and office paper, as well as considering the environmental impacts of services such as banking, choice of couriers, website hosting, etc.. We routinely and systematically take into account the environmental impact of those materials / services and their supply chain.

    2. Waste
    We will continue to maximise the re-use and recycling of all materials and packaging used in our events and activities.

    3. Energy
    We will seek to reduce the amount of energy used in our building and home offices as much as possible. With the main studio powered by solar panels, The Crafty Hen often generates more electricity than it uses.

    4. Transportation
    We will take measures to reduce the need to travel. We utilise non-car modes for all business travel as far as possible. We will give high priority to environmental performance, and carbon performance in particular, when selecting a courier for shipping.

    5. Supporting environmental causes
    We fund the restoration of wildflower meadows, wetlands and woodlands across the UK as this is where we produce the majority of our impact. For every in person session run, we fund a certain amount of habitat to be restored each month.

    Our Environmental Management System

    We have developed an Environmental Action Plan to ensure we meet the requirements of this policy. The Environmental Action Plan, together with this policy, comprises our Environmental Management System (EMS). Our EMS is independently certified by Green Small Business. Our certification is maintained through an annual audit carried out independently by Green Small Business.

    We will update this policy at least annually.

    Created: May 2023

    Last Reviewed: May 2024

    Next Review: May 2025