About Me
I am passionate about engaging people in craft activities. We all benefit from time spent focusing on the task in hand - whatever the craft is! Facilitating Crafty Hen do's is always a pleasure - especially seeing people delighted (and sometimes surprised!) by what they have made.
My Favourite Things
I get stupidly excited when I find vintage fabrics which I'm drawn to because of the (often kitsch) patterns and colours. When I'm not making, I am usually involved in craft projects with community groups. Down time involves walking (and cuddles with!) my flat coat retriever along the estuary or at the beach.
My Area of Expertise
Textiles (reclaimed and vintage), free motion machine embroidery. I like to make Bespoke gifts and home accessories including quirky souvenirs.
Favourite Session
Area Covered
East Anglia, Colchester, Ipswich, Bury St. Edmund's, Woodbridge
“Had a fantastic time this afternoon! Vicky explained everything and was always on hand to help throughout the session! Thankyou.”